Posted by: Joshua | July 12, 2008

Hello World!

Hello!  My name is Josh, and I am a homeschooled Christian teenager.  I am ultimately writing for the glory of God. I’m also writing because I like discussing some controversial subjects, and I would love to hear the thoughts of other Christian teens.

I chose this title for my blog because as Christians, everything we do should always be for God’s glory.  As the verse says, we should glorify God when doing even when we’re doing simple, common things such as eating and drinking.  The title is a good reminder of that – it will help me keep that in mind when writing in the future.

I also chose the title because it doesn’t limit me from writing about anything as long as it glorifies God.  I plan on writing about several topics including (but not limited to): Christianity and theology, religion in general, politics, computers and technology, and whatever else comes my way. You’ll notice that I spoke of controversial topics. I really enjoy controversial topics (as long as discussions don’t turn into name-calling). For you non-computer geeks, computers can be a very controversial subject. I hope to be able to write primarily about Christianity.

The origin of the title for this post is rather geeky.  When programming computers, the simplest command is usually to write a line of text. For some unknown reason, programmers usually use the phrase “Hello world!”. So the post title is kind of a computer joke.

But this is also the first time that I have communicated to the world at large. Before, I always talked to individuals. This is the first time I have published anything intended to be read by a large number of people. So when I say “Hello world”, I am literally saying hello to the world.

I’m not sure that I’ll continue blogging – we’ll just have to see if it’s God’s will.

Hello world!

Soli Deo Gloria!


  1. Hey,
    Great start. I hope you do continue. I will be reading! Thanks for adding me to your blog roll. God bless.
    In Christ,

  2. Hey Josh! I replied to your question on my prophecy blog. Thanks for asking. It got me thinking and you may just have inspired another post.

  3. Hello Josh,
    Welcome to the blogosphere. That’s our technical name for the network of blogs. I like your theme verse. I have something similar on my blog on the about page. Glad you’re joining the online world of bloggers. Hope to see you around.
    Erik B.

  4. Hello Josh,
    What about doing a post on how to glorify God in all you do. Just a thought from reading your Title.

    Thanks for your comment. I left an answer for thee.

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